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Stonewall is an international organisation based in New York that emerged in the 1980s in the context of the AIDS crisis. It was at that time that its founders created a foundation where loss could inspire a legacy and the power of individual giving could be amplified. Stonewall was born as a collection of donor funds and, as the local landscape has evolved, so has its identity.

Juan Arcones

Journalist and writer


Among their great achievements are structures that have stood for years in various locations around the world, ranging from Singapore to Dubai and Mexico. Although they are particularly proud of the work they carried out for weeks for a Hollywood producer for whom they drew inspiration from his entire filmography. Thanks to this experience, they discovered their real savoir faire, with a cosmopolitan and modern touch.

"Those who wear my clothes become ambassadors of a powerful message"

Rebecca Minor 



Rebecca Minor is a specialist in gender and sexuality studies who, working from the United States, offers individual therapy, parent/caregiver training and group therapy with a focus on trans and gender non-conforming adolescents and adults. Her goal is none other than to try to take on some of the emotional work of her clients, being a guide for them, their parents and the community. So far, her work has led her to spend over eight thousand hours in session with trans youth while continuing to be fully engaged in activism to ensure that children across the USA have access to gender affirming care.

"It's never too late to explore and come into the fullness of who you are!"

Michael Stephens 

LGBT activist


Michael Stephens is the founder of WeCreateSpace, a community platform and consultancy that addresses both the personal and professional needs of queer people and celebrates the development of their unique strengths and talents. Growing up queer in a heteronormative society lacking self-care tools that promote healthier ways of relating motivated Stephens to bring visibility to the importance of personal growth within LGTBQ+ communities.

"Don't be afraid to take up space. When you do, you empower yourself and model a way forward for other queer people who haven't seen themselves reflected in the media or in society"

David Martín Porras 

Film director


David Martín Porras is a Spanish film director whose work includes the Netflix series Smiley, the latest of his great successes. It is precisely this series that has allowed many members of the LGTB community "to enjoy a story in the mainstream full of light and optimism that talks about our reality in a light-hearted way. We need more LGBT content that gives hope," he says.

"We must not lose hope and the illusion of a better future. After the storm, there is always a rainbow"